Is community bonus hunt scam or legit? 2023
We at ValueGambling have several weekly community bonus hunts on our Twitch channel. These are sessions that have great value and to join. But are all community sessions really safe? And what are a community bonus hunt? In this article, we will explain everything from how much value a bonus hunt can have, to how bad they really can be.

First, what is a community bonus hunt?
A community bonus hunt starts with that one person taking responsibility for starting a session, where everyone from the community can join with whatever amount they want. Often they also have an add on, which makes the total balance bigger. This add on come from the casino, where the session are happening. The add on is to attract more people from the community, and to make it look like there is great value, if you are joining. So, when the session starts, its just a normal bonus hunt. The person who has the responsibility for the session, are the person who are doing the hunt. You can ofcourse write in chat to ask for special slots you want to include in the bonus hunt.
Wespin, play togehter, casinobud?
What is it that really gives you value to join a community bonus hunt?
The first thing that comes to mind is that it is fun and exciting to have a very large balance. And with a bonus hunt, you don’t risk too much if you are smart with the balance. You can read more about strategies and bonus hunt here. But what really makes it worth joining, is of course how much add on you get by the casino! The larger the community are, the more add on you get from the casino. There are many casinos that go hard with the promo on the community bonus hunt. What is important, is that you know which bonus hunt you are joining, and that you trust the person in charge of the hunt. Du kan sjekke ut blandt annet WeSpin og PlayTogehter/Casinobud ved å klikke her.
Can wespin or play together be scam?
In any case, it is not outright fraud. BUT, you should be very careful about whose community bonus hunt you join. Many people who start such community bonus hunts actually have a deal with the casino they play at. These deals can vary greatly. If we are to look at some of the grayest deals, there are casinos that pay the person who manages the bonus hunts money if they should lose the entire balance. If you ask us, is this very much in the gray area of what is legal? Doing this against its own community, is perhaps one of the worst things we’ve seen. So be careful which community bonus hunts you join. Feel free to check when and where we stream by clicking here. Then you will always be sure that you join the best community bonus hunts.

Why should you join a community bonus hunt?
Let’s jump to the slightly nicer part of having a community bonus hunt. Actually, this is a very nice and pleasant way to include your community to play together. We at ValueGambling do this several times every week, and have had very good success with this. And if we have to mention add on from the casino we play from. Yes, we have had one of the biggest add on you can get from a casino. And who knows, maybe there will be a bigger add on in the coming weeks? Join our next community hunt by clicking here.
Highroller wespin or play together?
Can i find highroller community bonus hunts?
The answer to this may vary from person to person reading this. But everything over 10,000 euro balance for a bonus hunt is a highroller hunt! This is not done too often, but is something we do for special happenings. Often it is also when we have the biggest add on from the casinos. We have also listed several of the best highroller casinos, click here.
Allwager 24/7? Is there a wager on a bonus hunt?
Will there be a wager on a community bonus hunt with add on? Complete wager within 24 hours?
The simple answer to this is, NO. In the case of a community bonus hunt, there shall be no wager. Here we use the entire balance we have from the start, and hunt down to 0. Then we open all the bonuses, and cash out. If you see a community bonus hunts with wagers, just stay away. This is NOT a good value session you want to join.

Bonus king? Bonus boost? Add on? Best boost?
Then we come to the part where we see what gives us the most value for our money. Is it a NON-STICKY bonus? sticky bonus? boost? add on? Or what is it really? If you join a community bonus hunt, where the add on is large. AND there are not too many people from the community. JACKPOT, then you have found great value. Why is this jackpot and great value? If not too many people from the community participate, you will get a larger part of the add on from the casino. VALUE!!
Wespin, play together and casinobud FAQ
Is it safe to join?
Yes, it is. But be very careful with which session you choose. Choose those with a high add on and few participants.
Why should you join a wespin or play together session?
You should join because of the value. Again, always look at the add on from the casino. And how many people who are joining.
How often do community bonus hunts turn a profit?
This varies from community to community. It is also very variable what the different ones go for. Some go for a high risk bonus hunt, while others save more. You can read more about high risk and low risk bonus hunts HERE.